Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
A. You must come in person for a consultation visit to examine the hair and confirm whether you have lice or not. Unfortunately, we do not have one price for everybody, our prices start at $100, and they are based on the severity and the level of infestation.
A. We start with a head check exam to see if there is evidence of head lice; upon the exam results, we will discuss with you a treatment plan and the cost of your treatment accordingly.
A. Your child can return to school the same day after the treatment. Nits N Lice Care Clinics will get you a lice clearance certificate to show the school that your child is lice-free.
A. A follow-up appointment is highly recommended for all lice treatments to ensure your 30-day guarantee. Follow-up is NOT included in the initial treatment.
A. Yes, it is 100% guaranteed. At Nits N Lice Care Clinics, we take pride in our lice treatment process that works from the first time we guarantee our lice treatment as long as one of our lice experts checks everyone in the family.
A. Nits (eggs) are glued to the hair ¼” of hair more towards the roots, and they are very hard to remove from the hair shaft and are like teardrop shapes. Dandruff is dry skin and dusty white, but they are flaky and easy to remove from the hair.
A. No! Pets do not get head lice; they get other types of bugs as fleas and ticks. Head lice only host on human hair, not pets' fur.
A. Absolutely!! Head lice are highly contagious; some people do not feel itchy or show symptoms.
Therefore, we highly recommend that the entire family be checked to avoid any reinfestation and treated if necessary at the same visit.
A. Yes! You only need to put bedding in hot water and high heat, vacuum the floor and spray surfaces with a lice fabric furniture spray (sofas/car seats) for three days. We also offer lice house cleaning service. A lice expert will come to your house and clean it for you. To learn more, please visit our service section.
A. Nope. Only completely bald people can’t get lice. Lice can lay nits on ¼” of hair. But buzz cuts do make the comb-out process a lot easier. If you buzz your son’s hair, protect his scalp from sunburn with sunblock or a hat.
A. It is common to feel an itchy and crawling sensation after lice treatment; it is a body reaction due to lice. Your scalp is still healing process and getting rid of the lice bits, and it could take up to two weeks until the scalp is fully recovered. Keeping your follow-up is an essential key to your treatment and your safety.
A. All hair utensils go in the freezer in a zip lock bag for 24 hours.
A. Keep your hair up in a bun, braid, or gathered ponytail.
A. Evolution. The pesticides did work —years ago. Over several decades, lice have evolved to survive OTC and prescription pesticide treatments. In addition to the less effective products, the nit combs that come with some treatments are lousy (pun intended), and the instructions are not thorough enough. Lice have developed a protein in their exoskeleton system and the nit glue. The nit glue covers the nit, which secures the nit to the hair shaft and protects them from the neurotoxins in standard OTC and prescription treatments. Often some bugs will die, but rarely all of them. These treatments are ineffective against lice because you can’t somewhat get rid of lice. Lice are all or nothing.
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